2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Legislators balk at $500M request from Mayo to aid expansion
When Minnesota lawmakers return to the state Capitol on Tuesday to focus on a two-year budget, they will also weigh whether to approve the Mayo Clinic's request for $500 million to support its $3 billion expansion plan. Lawmakers say they want to help the hospital and clinic system grow, but some have concerns about the size of its funding request and the overall financing plan.
DFL's plan to cut health, human services spending comes as surprise
With Minnesota House and Senate Democrats proposing $2 billion in new taxes to erase the budget deficit and spend more on schools, economic development and other state services, one area -- health and human services -- is getting left out. In fact, DFLers propose a spending cut.
Background checks at gun shows expected in revamped Minn. House bill
After a key lawmaker abandoned his push for universal background checks for gun buyers, House DFLers are now crafting a bill to expand background checks to private sales that occur at gun shows. Lawmakers say the revamped bill will also include provisions that are popular with Republicans and more conservative Democrats. The bill is scheduled for a hearing Thursday night.