2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

A bill that would forbid state lawmakers, state commissioners and agency heads from becoming lobbyists for one year after leaving their jobs failed on a tie vote in the Minnesota Senate on Wednesday.
A bill would provide additional support for veterans, including suicide prevention and counseling. It would also provide scholarships for the children and spouses of those killed or disabled in action.
Clark's visibility fuels political speculation
Sen. Tarryl Clark, DFL-St. Cloud, has quickly become one of the most visible lawmakers at the state Capitol. She hasn't served a full term yet, but she's become the chief spokeswoman for Senate DFLers.
The commissioner is watching
Minnesota Public Radio's Bob Collins, the commissioner of the Minnesota Fantasy Legislature, has had his eyes glued to the action at the Capitol for the entire 2007 session. Here's what that kind diligence has taught him about lawmaking.
A proposal moving through the state Legislature would require courts to change how they decide child custody cases, to make joint custody the rule rather than the exception.
So busy, in fact, that floor sessions have been scheduled through Saturday.
House passes USA-made flag bill
Foreign-made American flags could soon be barred from Minnesota store shelves. The House has passed a proposal that American flags sold in the state be made in the U.S.
State benefits for same-sex couples advance at Capitol
Supporters of the legislation say the measure is about fairness for gay couples that have been in committed relationships for years. But critics say the bill sends a bad message and worry it could lead to a legal challenge to a state law that forbids same sex couples to marry.
To raise taxes or not is emerging as a big question at the State Capitol.