Bill would give lawmakers power to call special session

Minnesota State Capitol
Minnesota State Capitol
MPR Photo/Tom Weber

Lyndon Carlson has been a Minneapolis-area DFL state representative since 1973, but he's never had a say in whether fellow lawmakers and he should go into special session.

That's because only the governor has the power to do that.

But Carlson has proposed legislation to let voters decide whether to change that.

State Representative Lyndon Carlson
State Representative Lyndon Carlson (DFL-Crystal), sponsor of special session amendment proposal
Minn. House of Representatives

The plan would create two ways for lawmakers to call themselves into special session. A majority of them in each chamber could sign a petition, or just the leaders in both houses could do it.

Carlson said he feels the change would give the public more input on emergency matters, and he's not worried about giving lawmakers too much power, either.

"States that have this mechanism - it's not used that often," Carlson said, in an interview with MPR's Morning Edition. "And I think the reason it's not used that often is there's more balance between the governor and the executive branch when they're negotiating what's to be done about a major problem."

Minnesota is in the minority on this. 33 states allow lawmakers to call themselves into special session.

The bill was introduced and assigned to a committee this week, but no hearings have been scheduled at this point.

Proposed ballot language voters would see, if lawmakers approve Carlson's bill:

"Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to require the legislature to meet in special session upon the agreement of a majority of its members or upon the order of its presiding officers?"