2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Flood relief dilemma: Cash or credit?
Gov. Pawlenty says he's optimistic that he will call a special session of the Minnesota Legislature soon. But he and DFL leaders differ on whether the state should borrow relief money or use cash the state already has.
Special interests pressure Pawlenty to relent on special session
Several groups say immediate action is needed to prevent another disaster like the 35W bridge collapse. But the latest negotiations between the governor and DFL legislative leaders indicate transportation funding might have to wait until next year's regular session.
Special session uncertain
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has sent a letter to legislative leaders saying that a special session to deal with flood recovery and the 35W bridge collapse may not be necessary after all. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller.
Flooding adds to pressure for a special session
State Sen. Dick Day, R-Owatanna, says damage from floods in southeastern Minnesota is yet another reason to hold a special session of the legislature this year. He spoke with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.
Other states' experiences inform debate over bridge rebuild timeline
State lawmakers weighed in on the design of the new I-35W bridge at a joint legislative hearing Wednesday. A large part of the hearing focused on the accelerated timeline of the rebuild.
Republican Steve Drazkowski defeated DFL candidate Linda Pfeilsticker in a special election in district 28B to replace former Rep. Steve Sviggum, R-Kenyon.
Minnesota JOBZ program faces another lawsuit
Gov. Tim Pawlenty's pet economic development program is facing another legal challenge. Ten companies and individuals announced a lawsuit Wednesday that challenges the constitutionality of the Minnesota JOBZ program. They say the program gives an unfair advantage to their competitors who benefit from JOBZ.