The Legislature faces big dollar issues when it resumes

Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher
House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher says the Legislature has already accomplished a great deal this session.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

The Capitol building is quiet this weekend as lawmakers take an Easter break at home. House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher said a lot has been accomplished already this session, and overall the working relationship between lawmakers has been cordial.

She hopes the positive tone will help when lawmakers attempt to solve the state's nearly one billion dollar deficit.

Lawmakers will resume work on a major bonding package when they return to the capitol on Tuesday.

In light of the state's budget deficit and recession, Governor Tim Pawlenty wants the bonding bill to be no more than $825 million.

Lead Senate negotiator Keith Langseth said the Legislature will send the governor a bill that's $100 million over that number.

A governor's veto is possible the first time around.