2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

A legislative committee will discuss Monday whether to give more taxpayer money to the state's sesquicentennial commission.
DFLers criticize Pawlenty's travel; Pawlenty criticizes the story
DFL legislative leaders say they're troubled that Gov. Pawlenty hasn't been meeting with lawmakers to discuss legislative issues. Their remarks follow an MPR News report saying the governor has been out of Minnesota an average of one out of three days since Jan. 1, 2008.
House panel rejects bill to expand right to shoot in self defense
Gov. Pawlenty says he hopes state lawmakers reconsider a bill to expand the right of people to use deadly force to defend themselves in their homes, businesses or cars if they feel they're in imminent danger.
Senate passes bridge victims compensation fund
The Minnesota Senate has passed legislation creating a compensation fund for victims of the I-35W bridge collapse, but it differs from the House version which was approved last week.
Pawlenty budget includes cuts to courts
Judges and other court staffers are concerned about Gov. Pawlenty's proposal to trim state spending to cover a projected $1 billion budget shortfall. Pawlenty's plan would reduce state funding of district courts by about $7 million a year, or around 2.8 percent.