2023 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates from the 2023 Minnesota legislative session that began on Jan. 3, 2023. Whether you're looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

It’s not all about the weather: Law change to alter budget forecast
A bill now on Gov. Tim Walz’s desk would require the inclusion of inflation estimates in upcoming budget forecasts. That will surely shrink the surplus and mark a decade from practice over the past two decades.
Bill would create office to prevent, investigate murders of Black women and girls
Black women in Minnesota are nearly three times more likely to be murdered than their white peers and those cases go unsolved far longer than cases for white victims.
Capitol cooperation or leverage point? Public works plan tests parties
After failing to pass a construction bill the past two years, Minnesota lawmakers will attempt to get $1.9 billion in projects moving in coming weeks. It will depend on votes from both parties, unlike most measures that have advanced so far.
Two gun proposals are moving at the Minnesota Capitol
Democrats are hoping to pass two bills they say would add to safety around guns in Minnesota. Critics say the measures would unduly burden legal gun owners and do nothing to address problems with illegal firearms.
MN Supreme Court defers to lawmakers on felon voting rights
Minnesotans convicted of felonies who have served their prison time must complete all aspects of their sentence, including parole and probation, before their voting rights are restored, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. The decision puts the issue back in the hands of the Legislature. 
‘Opportunity to make history’: Communities of color look to lawmakers to close gaps
In Minnesota, people of color and Indigenous people face disparate outcomes when it comes to income, housing, academic opportunities and more. Some DFL state lawmakers said this is the year to make progress in shrinking those gaps.