Election 2021

Everything you need to know about the local and state elections in 2021.

Check out the live results here after polls close at 8 p.m. Tuesday.

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Minneapolis Council president files ethics complaint against police chief
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender announced Thursday that she filed an ethics complaint against the city's police chief, Medaria Arradondo, after he held a news conference Wednesday to speak out against the public safety charter amendment.
Minneapolis mayor faces voters with policing on their minds
The Democrat faces a tough fight to keep his job in the city's first election since George Floyd's death under the knee of a white police officer in May 2020. Jacob Frey's fate is likely tied to whether voters agree with his moves to change the city's Police Department — and whether they agree with his opposition to a ballot question that would replace it with something new.
What’s on the ballot: Rent control
Rent stabilization is on the ballot in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Guest host Chris Farrell talks with supporters and opponents of St. Paul’s proposed new ordinance — should residential rent increases be capped at 3 percent annually? If St. Paul becomes the first city in the country to stabilize rents this way, will other places follow suit?
'Flatlining': MPD chief warns yes-vote on police overhaul will hurt Minneapolis
Medaria Arradondo on Wednesday spoke out strongly against a November ballot measure intended to remake his department, warning it wouldn’t fix relations between residents and the police and could do serious damage to a department already severely understaffed.
Q&A: Minneapolis Mayor and candidate Jacob Frey
Host Cathy Wurzer speaks with five of the leading candidates in Minneapolis’ mayoral race about their views and their plans. On Thursday, it was Mayor Jacob Frey’s turn. It’s part of a series of mayoral candidate interviews on Minnesota Now, a new weekly noon show on MPR News.
Q&A: Minneapolis mayoral candidate Sheila Nezhad
Host Cathy Wurzer interviews Minneapolis mayoral candidate Sheila Nezhad to explore her views on the biggest issues facing the city. It’s part of a series of mayoral candidate interviews on Minnesota Now, a new weekly noon show on MPR News.
Voter guide: Minneapolis mayoral candidates on how they’d address the city’s top issues
We asked the aspiring mayors how they’d address housing, public safety, climate change and the local economy — plus their opinions on the three questions on the ballot this fall.
Q&A: Minneapolis mayoral candidate AJ Awed
Host Cathy Wurzer interviews Minneapolis mayoral candidate AJ Awed to explore his views on the biggest issues facing the city. It’s part of a series of mayoral candidate interviews on Minnesota Now, a new weekly noon show on MPR News.