Election 2020

Election 2020

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2020.

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Find the results in Minnesota here.

Some in GOP fear Trump's push against mail-in voting could harm party's chances
President Donald Trump's supporters don't trust voting by mail, said one local Wisconsin GOP chair. "And one of the reasons they don't trust it," he said, "is the president's previous tweets and comments about it."
Fact check: Trump's and Biden's records on criminal justice
Republicans charge that Americans would not be safe with a President Joe Biden. But murder rates are up this year under President Donald Trump, and both candidates have a mixed record on criminal justice reform.
Trump administration ends election security briefings to Congress
The Trump administration has ended all election security briefings to Congress just weeks before Americans cast their ballots for president, raising concern among lawmakers about the public's right to know about foreign interference in the election.
Biden, aiming at Trump, says he won't use military as 'prop'
Joe Biden said Saturday that as president, he would never use the military “as a prop or private militia,” and accused President Trump of employing U.S. forces to settle “personal vendettas" and violate citizens' rights.
Barr, absent from RNC, is very much present as part of Trump reelection bid
It is highly unusual for an attorney general to bluntly attack political opponents, particularly during a presidential campaign. Traditionally, they seek to avoid even the perception of trying to tip the scales in their boss' favor.
Voter guide: Build your ballot
MPR News, in collaboration with the League of Women Voters of Minnesota, is providing this voter guide to let you compare candidates and their positions on key issues in the 2020 election.
7 takeaways from the Republican National Convention
As the United States heads into the post-Labor Day sprint to Election Day, both parties are arguing that the soul of America is at stake. For Republicans, it's all about trying to stick the culture war to Biden.