Election 2020

Election 2020

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2020.

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Find the results in Minnesota here.

North Carolina Senate race upended by sexting, virus diagnosis
North Carolina's intensively competitive and expensive U.S. Senate race has been upended by personal and health disruptions that sent sharp tremors and uncertainty through the campaigns and an electorate already casting ballots.
GOP seeks to curtail Senate work, but not Barrett hearings
Republicans on Saturday sought to call off legislative work in the Senate until Oct. 19 as the coronavirus reached into their ranks. But they vowed that hearings for President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee would push ahead as planned.
How do you contact trace the president of the United States?
Regular, everyday contact tracing for the coronavirus typically entails a health worker calling up to a dozen or so contacts of the person with the known infection. But what does it look like when you're contact tracing the president of the United States?
Trump said to be improving but next 48 hours 'critical'
President Donald Trump went through a “very concerning” period Friday and faces a “critical” next two days in his fight against COVID-19 at a military hospital, his chief of staff said Saturday. Trump himself offered an upbeat assessment Saturday evening in a video posted to Twitter.
U.S. Senate debate: Candidates disagree on COVID-19, other issues
Sen. Tina Smith and her Republican challenger Jason Lewis sparred over the coronavirus response, public safety, climate change and immigration Friday during a debate on MPR News. 
Trump's age, health woes raise his risk for COVID-19 illness
President Donald Trump has several strikes against him — age, obesity, elevated cholesterol and being male — that could put him at greater risk of becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus infection he disclosed late Thursday.
What happens if the president is incapacitated? The 25th Amendment charts a course
Ratified in 1967, the 25th Amendment to the Constitution determines how and when the vice president assumes the duties of president when the nation's chief executive is alive but incapable of serving.
Shock, sympathy, mockery: World reacts to Trump infection
News of the infection of the most powerful man in the world with the most notorious disease in the world drew instant reactions of shock, sympathy, undisguised glee and, of course, the ever-present outrage and curiosity that follow much of what Donald Trump does, even from 10,000 miles away.