Election 2020

Election 2020

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2020.

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Find the results in Minnesota here.

Guía para el votante: Posición de los candidatos del 8.o Distrito sobre los temas relevantes
A continuación se presentan las posiciones que tomaron el titular del cargo, el representante republicano Pete Stauber y la retadora demócrata Quinn Nystrom durante el debate organizado por MPR News.
Lus qhia rau tus neeg pov npav xaiv tsa: Nyob rau qhov chaw uas cov neeg los sib tw xaiv tsa nyob rau Cheeb Tsam thib 8 sawv los hais txog cov teeb meem
Ntawm no yog los saib ntawm kev tuav hauj lwm ntawm Phav Kas Moos Republican. Pete Stauber thiab DFL tus neeg sib tw Quinn Nystrom tau siv sij hawm thaum lub sij hawm sib cav tswv yim los ntawm MPR News.
Hagidda Codbixiyaha: Halka ay arrimaha socda ka taagan yihiin murashixiinta degmada siddeedaad ama 8th District
Halkan waxaa ku qoran mowqifyada xildhibaanka hadda haysta kursiga oo ah jamhuuri ama Republican Rep. Pete Stauber iyo gabar la tartameysa oo ka soo jeedda Dimuquraadiga ama DFL ah, Quinn Nystrom ayaa isaga hor yimid dood lagu martigeliyey idaacadda raadiyaha MPR News.
COVID-19 forces some poll workers home during Election Day, as others take their place
The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on almost every aspect of this year’s election — including who’s staffing polling places. Across the state, younger people are filling in for older election workers who are staying home because of the coronavirus.
Campaign draws to a close with U.S. facing a crossroads
President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden have one last chance to make their case to voters in critical battleground states on Monday, the final full day of a campaign that has laid bare their dramatically different visions for tackling the nation's pressing problems and for the office of the presidency itself.
Trump threatens to fire Fauci in rift with disease expert
President Donald Trump is suggesting that he will fire Dr. Anthony Fauci after Tuesday's election, as his rift with the nation's top infectious disease expert widens while the nation sees its most alarming outbreak of the coronavirus since the spring.
Minnesotans rally, vote, wait, worry in closing days of the campaign
After months of presidential campaign attention, nonstop political advertising and weeks of early voting, the end is in sight: Election Day is Tuesday. We talked with Minnesota voters about how they’re feeling in the closing days of the campaign.
Fact check: Trump falsely claims that votes shouldn't be counted after Election Day
"I think it's terrible when we can't know the results of an election the night of the election in a modern-day age of computers," President Donald Trump said. But the vote totals are never fully counted the same day.