Election 2020

Election 2020

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2020.

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Find the results in Minnesota here.

All 7 candidates threaten to skip upcoming Democratic debate amid labor dispute
Three of the top Democratic candidates say they won't attend next week's debate at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles unless a subcontractor negotiates with striking culinary workers.
Klobuchar: I'll repair damage by Trump on U.S. foreign policy
Presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar pledged to repair the damage she says President Trump has done in the international community. “President Trump has made us less safe and squandered America’s leadership abroad," she said.
Facing scrutiny, Pete Buttigieg releases list of McKinsey clients
The list of clients Buttigieg released includes Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Loblaws, Best Buy, the National Resources Defense Council, the EPA, the Department of Energy, the Pentagon and more.
Booker slams Democratic debate rules as he ends Iowa tour
Fighting to be in the next Democratic presidential debate, Cory Booker concluded a nearly 800-mile, 12-county tour of Iowa on Sunday by criticizing the Democratic Party for allowing “elites" and “money" to control who gets on stage and urging voters to offer his name when pollsters call.
Klobuchar returns to Iowa with plan for a changing economy
The Minnesota senator's plan includes tax credits to help retrain workers who lose their jobs to automation and support for workers and communities that have relied on the fossil fuel industry. It also calls for more investment in cybersecurity, encouraging small manufacturers to innovate and several measures to help the growing number of "gig" workers,
Which health care strategy has the edge among Democrats and swing voters?
Fans of Medicare for All are betting that most Democrats who vote have moved left since 2008, at least on health care. But results from a mix of recent polls suggest voters' views aren't clear-cut.