Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

GOP House Minority Leader Marty Seifert will speak before the Humphrey Institute’s Center for the Study of Politics and Governance tomorrow. Here are the details.
A Facebook group has been created to convince Gov. Pawlenty to run for President in 2012. I sent a note to Benjamin Simon, the site’s administator to see why he created the site. One side note, Trisha Hamm, Pawlenty’s political director, is listed as a member. Update: Here’s Simon’s response on why he created the…
Gov. Pawlenty and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle had a bit of a Mr. Rogers moment today. In other words, they are working to share. Doyle and Pawlenty held a news conference this morning to discuss some of the services that they could share (and save money on). The complete report can be found here. Not…
Negotiations between the State of Minnesota and U.S. Steel over land for a new park on Lake Vermilion appear to be at a standstill. The Mesabi Daily News said the state appraisal of the land is much lower than what U.S. Steel wants for the land.
Another crest will come in mid April on the Red River because snow threatens the region. Under the Dome Road salt alert! Gov. Pawlenty and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle will announce their collaboration plans this morning in St. Paul. House DFLers propose a $200 million bonding bill. MPR, the Pi Press and Politics in Minnesota…
DFL Rep. Alice Hausman released her bonding bill proposal today. Hausman said she would have liked the bill to be larger but said the proposal is linked with the DFL House budget plan. The Senate plan would cost the state $329 million. GOP House Minority Leader Marty Seifert said the projects are “nice” but are…
Gov. Tim Pawlenty makes another trip to Moorhead this afternoon to meet with state and local officials who are working on flood efforts. A news release from the governor’s office says Pawlenty will attend a briefing with Moorhead Mayor Mark Voxland, City Manager Michael Redlinger, Clay County Sheriff Bill Bergquist, Moorhead Police Chief David Ebinger,…
Gov. Pawlenty advanced in NPR’s 2012 GOP Primary bracket. He now faces South Carolina Sen. Jim Demint. The voting on this appears to be a bit sketchy, however. Some of the biggest GOP heavy weights have lost (Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Louisiana Gov. Bobby…
State lawmakers are considering a bill that would let all Minnesota residents age 90 or older fish for free. The measure, which was heard today by the Senate environment and natural resources committee, would issue fishing licenses without a fee to anglers in that age group. The bill is named for Irene Long of Isle,…
Officials in northwestern Minnesota and North Dakota are assessing the flood damage and checking on levees throughout the region. Under the Dome DFLers in the Minnesota House will release their Bonding Bill today. Both the House and Senate could vote on a fix to Green Acres as early as today. GOP Rep. Tom Emmer pushed…