Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

A Minnesota Senate committee has unveiled a school funding bill that follows through on a 7 percent spending cut. DFL Senate leaders have proposed across-the-board cuts of 7 percent as part of their plan to solve the state’s $4.6 billion budget deficit. The reduction in K-12 education spending would actually be softened to 3.2 percent…
Attorney General Lori Swanson pulled a little “duck and cover” before the State Pardons Board hearing this afternoon. A few reporters were waiting to talk to Gov. Pawlenty about a few subjects before the meeting. We were interested in getting Swanson’s take on WCCO’s fantastic story on the $400 thousand worth of renovations Swanson did…
GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell released a statement that calls on Republican Norm Coleman to keep appealing the recount in Minnesota’s U.S. Senate race. Here’s the statement: “The court’s decision in Minnesota leaves no other choice but to continue the process to ensure that every legal vote is counted. Minnesotans deserve a final ruling…
Gov. Pawlenty got bounced from NPR’s 2012 GOP bracket. Freshman Sen. Jim Demint of South Carolina doubled Pawlenty’s vote total. You can view the Final Four and the entire bracket here.
The Minnesota Department of Health says the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Minnesota continued to rise in 2008. In fact, the report says it’s the highest ever (emphasis mine): “The number of reported bacterial STDs reached their highest level ever with 17,650 cases reported. This represents an overall increase of 3.5% from the previous…
The three judge panel dealt another blow to Republican Norm Coleman’s chances of heading back to Washington. The court wants to review 400 ballots – a third of what Coleman wanted – on Tuesday. His attorney already said the campaign will appeal. You can read the order here. MPR, AP, the Pi Press, Politico, CNN,…
It looks like Minnesota’s long-running U.S. Senate race will continue to run. Attorneys for Republican Norm Coleman say an appeal of the election contest is likely now that the three judge panel has ordered the review of just a third of the ballots Coleman’s camp was seeking. The panel wants to review and possibly open…
The 3 judge panel released two orders today. The panel wants to to review 400 rejected absentee ballots and will later determine which of those ballots “shall be opened, sorted and counted in open court” by April 7, 2009. We’re tearing through them right now. In the meantime you can view them yourself. Here’s the…
The Minnesota Budget Project posted an interesting item on taxing music, video and other downloads. For those not closely watching the debate over Minnesota tax policy, DFL Sen. Tom Bakk suggested that he is considering a plan that would tax digital downloads. The post answers an interesting question that has been circulating around the Capitol:…
GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says she’ll be on Glenn Beck’s show tonight at 4:40. She will also appear on Fox and Friends tomorrow morning at 6:15. Her office says she’ll talk about global currency and President Obama’s budget. Update: Bachmann also has two public forums scheduled for next week.