Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

In case nobody has been hearing those frequent veto threats, Gov. Tim Pawlenty sent a letter to the House and Senate tax committee chairs today reiterating his opposition to tax increases. Sen. Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, and Rep. Ann Lenczewski, DFL-Bloomington, are currently negotiating a compromise between the Senate and House tax bills. The conference committee…
Politico is reporting that Republicans in Washington are willing to back Republican Norm Coleman to take his case to federal court if the Minnesota Supreme Court doesn’t back him: With former Sen. Norm Coleman now standing between Democrats and their 60-seat supermajority, the GOP is prepared to back the Republican’s appeal to the federal level…
The Minnesota House and Senate will take action today on two of the smaller pieces of the state budget. Conference committees met over the weekend to reach agreements on a transportation bill and an environment and energy bill. Rep. Frank Hornstein, DFL-Minneapolis, a member of the transportation conference committee, said the compromise bill preserves current…
Metro area schools close after a few possible H1N1 flu cases are discovered. Under the Dome Conference Committees will continue to meet this week to work on their budget bills. DFL leaders continue to push for public negotiations. The Environment and Energy and the Transportation conference committee reports are wrapped up. The Ag and Vets…
Gov. Pawlenty did his weekly radio show this morning from the St. Paul Curling Club. After the show, he gave the sport a try. It’s the first time Pawlenty (who plays ice-hockey on a regular basis) took to the ice for the game. His radio sidekick and chief spokesman, Brian McClung, is helping Pawlenty sweep…
Here’s who is on the weekend shows this week: TPT’s Almanac: Guests will include Health Commissioner Sanne Magnan talking about H1N1… and Minneapolis Schools Superintendent Bill Green discussing the district’s proposed restructuring plan. WCCO’s Sunday Morning: Congressman Keith Ellison on Dinner with President Barack Obama, Arrest of Darfur Protest, Youth Violence Protection Forum and more……
Comedy Central’s The Daily Show picked up on GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann’s incorrect comments regarding swine flu and Democratic presidents. It also mocks the dilemma over what to call the swine, H1N1 flu. MPR took a look at that dilemma. Here’s the video: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c…
The Minnesota Department of Health continues the flu investigation, one day after the first H1N1(formerly known as swine flu) case is confirmed in Minnesota. Gov. Pawlenty said the state should expect more cases. The House and Senate hope to get agreement on four budget bills by end of the weekend. The House votes to keep…
DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher and DFL Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller say they want four budget related conference committees to finish their work by Saturday night. The Ag and Vets Conference Committee, the Environment and Natural Resources Conference Committee, the Economic Development Conference Committee and the Transportation Conference Committee are targeted to be…
…But they realized it was just GOP Sen. Paul Koering’s sportcoat. Ba da bing.. Senator Koering, Yucca Mountain called and wants its coat back… Bu dum chuh! While Minnesota House members were debating nuclear energy this afternoon, members of the Minnesota Senate got to see radioactivity in full display. Hi Yoooo! By the way, the…