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The Daily Digest: 5-1-09

The Minnesota Department of Health continues the flu investigation, one day after the first H1N1(formerly known as swine flu) case is confirmed in Minnesota.

Gov. Pawlenty said the state should expect more cases.

The House and Senate hope to get agreement on four budget bills by end of the weekend.

The House votes to keep the moratorium on nuclear power.

The Senate votes for a bill that would allow domestic partners to file wrongful death suits.

The Minnesota Supreme Court weighs in on the breathalyzer cases. It could jeopardize thousands of DWI cases.

A conservative group rips city golf courses. Sounds like I'll have to personally investigate this issue over the weekend.

The building industry backs the Minnesota stimulus bill.

Legislation backed by Minnesota counties is making slow progress in the Legislature.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Republican Norm Coleman is asking the Minnesota Supreme Court to count more votes in his race with Al Franken. MPR, the Star Tribune, AP, the Pi Press and MinnPost have stories.


Justice Souter will retire from the Supreme Court.

Vice-President Joe Biden causes a stir when he makes comments over travel during the flu scare.

AP fact-checks President Obama's Wednesday news conference.

A staffer for Obama comes down with flu-like symptoms after visiting Mexico.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar voted for the modified-mortgage provision, which failed to pass.

A bill that would crack down on credit card lending practices passes the House. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann and GOP Rep. John Kline voted against the bill. GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen voted for it.

The DCCC rips both Bachmann and Kline for their vote.

Bachmann and Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank square off over Bachmann's ACORN amendment.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum seeks a closed door hearing to air workers concerns at the U.S. Capitol.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison and Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak will hold a forum aimed at reducing youth violence.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar said infrastructure projects should produce jobs.


DFL Rep. Keith Ellison helps Matt Entenza with his race for gov.