Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Russ Scheidler, with the state employee’s union AFSCME Local 2181, recorded a song mocking Gov. Pawlenty’s decision to balance the budget on his own. Scheidler sent the cd to MPR the other day. You can listen to it here: You can read the lyrics on AFSCME’s website.
The state’s latest job numbers come out today. The Public Safety Commissioner has cut off state funding for the Metro Gang Strike Force after a critical audit by the Legislative Auditor. MPR, the Star Tribune, AP and the Pi Press have stories. The Star Tribune has a wrap-up of the session. D.C. The credit card…
The KSTP/Survey USA poll finds that former U.S. Senator Mark Dayton fares the best among DFLers in head to head match-ups with GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Pawlenty has not said whether he’ll run for reelection. Some of the DFL candidates are officially in the race others aren’t. It’s 18 months until election day. KSTP’s Tom…
KSTP commissioned a Survey USA poll on Minnesota’s 2010 governor’s race. It’s still a way off but here’s a look how the bottom five DFLers (according to the pollKSTP’s Tom Hauser’s report) fare against Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty (who hasn’t said if he’ll run for a third term): Pawlenty (50%) vs. Ramsey County Attorney Susan…
Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine (who chairs the Democratic National Committee) wrote a letter to Gov. Pawlenty today urging Pawlenty to sign the election certificate if the Minnesota Supreme Court rules in Democrat Al Franken’s favor. Here’s Pawlenty’s response.
The Legislative Auditor has found that the Metro Gang Strike Force did not have adequate oversight over seized and forfeited property. The reprort added “The Metro Gang Strike Force was unable to account for at least $18,126 of seized cash and could not locate or support the legal disposition of at least 13 forfeited vehicles…
Krista Tippett, with Speaking of Faith, will be hosting a discussion tonight with Joshua DuBois at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul. Dubois is the Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Time Magazine dubbed DuBois as President Obama’s Pastor in Chief in a February article. Here’s another interesting profile…
Gov. Pawlenty says he’s prepared to balance the budget on his own. MPR, the Star Tribune, MinnPost, the Pi Press, AP and Fox9 have stories. AP says Pawlenty’s move changes the balance of power. He’s also going to take budget suggestions by e-mail. The Pi Press examines how this move will raise Pawlenty’s national profile…
Governor Pawlenty announced today that he will move forward with his plans to balance the budget on his own. He talked with reporters today – just one day after the 2009 legislative session ended. Pawlenty and DFLers in control of the Legislature could not reach agreement on a two year budget. Pawlenty said he will…