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The Daily Digest: 5-20-09

Gov. Pawlenty says he's prepared to balance the budget on his own. MPR, the Star Tribune, MinnPost, the Pi Press, AP and Fox9 have stories.

AP says Pawlenty's move changes the balance of power.

He's also going to take budget suggestions by e-mail.

The Pi Press examines how this move will raise Pawlenty's national profile but could also back fire if the cuts go too deep.

You can listen to Pawlenty's full remarks here.

DFLers argue that the state will suffer if Pawlenty vetoes a bill that includes tax increases.

Anxiety builds for health care/social agencies.

Forum Communications calls the 2009 session the "Unsession."

MinPost details the winners and losers of the session.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The Chair of the DNC wrote a letter to Pawlenty urging him to drop Norm Coleman.

A Washington D.C. based watchdog group is asking the FEC to turn down Coleman's request to use campaign funds for his personal legal expenses.

A new poll finds that more people believe Al Franken will win than who voted for him in November.


The Senate passes a credit card reform bill.

Senate leaders balk at closing Gitmo.

The jockeying for U.S. Marshal begins.

The owner of a Chrysler dealership asked DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar for help.

The ethanol formula and climate change legislation collide in the House. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann debates Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank.


Stu Rothenberg rates Minnesota's governor's race as narrow advantage to the Republicans.

Fox9 has a poll that looks at Pawlenty's approval ratings/prospects for president.

The NRCC will protect GOP Erik Paulsen's seat.