Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Gov. Tim Pawlenty has scheduled a news conference for 2 p.m. to talk about his future plans. People with knowledge of the governor’s plans tell Minnesota Public Radio News that Pawlenty will announce he will not seek re-election next year to a third term. Pawlenty was first elected in 2002, and narrowly won reelection in…
The Senate case is now in the hands of the Minnesota Supreme Court. Justices peppered attorneys for Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman during yesterday’s oral arguments. MPR, the Pi Press, the Star Tribune, AP, Politico and Forum Communications have stories. Coleman attended the hearing. You can listen to his postgame comments here. Under…
AP’s Brian Bakst has a fascinating look at how much money Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman have raised over the past few years. Democrat Al Franken’s campaign is using today’s oral arguments before the Minnesota Supreme Court to raise money. Franken’s campaign manager, Stephanie Schriock, sent out a fundraising e-mail to supporters. Will…
Norm Coleman spoke briefly with reporters after the MN Supreme Court hearing. You can listen to his comments here: By the way, Democrat Al Franken spoke with MPR’s Mark Zdechlik over the weekend. You can read the story on his comments here. You can listen to Franken’s interview with Zdechlik here:
MPR News will provide live radio/internet coverage of the Minnesota Supreme Court hearing this morning on Minnesota’s long-running U.S. Senate race. MPR’s Bob Collins will also liveblog the event (with help from me, I hope). The fun starts a little bit before 9 this morning. You can check out the liveblog on News Cut or…
The Minnesota Supreme Court will hold oral arguments today on Republican Norm Coleman’s appeal challenging a decision that Democrat Al Franken received more votes in the 2008 U.S. Senate race. MPR will provide live radio coverage of the arguments (which start at 9AM). MPR’s Bob Collins will also liveblog the event. The Star Tribune, MPR…
Gov. Pawlenty is invited to attend the 2010 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans. The conference is billed as “the largest and most important Republican gathering until the 2012 Republican National Convention.”
Minnesota’s long-running US Senate Race will take another step forward Monday morning. The Minnesota Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case. You can hear them too. Minnesota Public Radio News will air the hearing live starting at 9 Monday morning. Bob Collins will also live blog the proceedings. Afterwards Kerri Miller will have…
DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher and DFL Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller wrote a letter to Governor Pawlenty regarding his decision to cut spending on his own. Pawlenty has asked the public, lawmakers and others to give him advice on what programs to cut. The letter is a bit snarky and urges Pawlenty not…
Here’s a list of who’s on the weekend shows. TPT’s Almanac: Minneapolis Mayor R. T. Rybak returned from China yesterday and we’ll visit with him about his international trip. The American Refugee Committee has a new president, Daniel Wordsworth. He joins us to talk about the current relief efforts in Pakistan. And we’ll end the…