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The Daily Digest: 6-2-09

The Senate case is now in the hands of the Minnesota Supreme Court. Justices peppered attorneys for Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman during yesterday's oral arguments. MPR, the Pi Press, the Star Tribune, AP, Politico and Forum Communications have stories.

Coleman attended the hearing. You can listen to his postgame comments here.

Under the Dome

The House Ethics Committee will consider a complaint today regarding a lawmaker's tweets.

Planned Parenthood gets increased security from the federal government as a result of the slaying of the abortion doctor.

DFL Sen. Linda Berglin talks unallotment, the elimination of GAMC and other things with PIM.

A memo gives Senate DFLers talking points on Gov. Pawlenty's unallotment plan.

Attorney General Lori Swanson wrote an op-ed in the Pi Press warning of reverse mortgage scams but it's not on the website yet.

The state reaches a settlement with an intoxilyzer company. The Pi Press reports, however, that criminal defense attorneys are taking a dim view of the deal.

A new oil pipeline could bring thousands of jobs to Minnesota.

Genmar files for Ch. 11 bankruptcy.


President Obama sits down with NPR.

Construction firms complain that the stimulus isn't working.

Here's a look at some Minnesota's stimulus projects.

GM dealers are expected to learn their fate today. A Paynesville dealer is headed to Washington to make his case to members of Congress.

Here's a story on GM's bankruptcy filing.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison will speak before a progressive group this week.

An audit firm is sued over Metro Gem Assurances. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann and Republican Norm Coleman are mentioned.

Democrats are considering a climate floor debate before July 4th. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

Missed this one the other day. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson told the New York Times "The banks run the place." It's a story on limiting credit derivatives.

The Hill says Congress struggles to pay for the transportation bill. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.


A blog called 'Race for 2008' ranks Pawlenty as fourth highest in the Republican field.