Hallberg's Picture of Health

Over 65? Smoked even a little in your lifetime? You might want to get screened for this
If you’re male, between the ages of 65 and 75, and have smoked as few as five packs of cigarettes in your lifetime, a federal task force is now recommending you get screened to prevent an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
'Depths of despair' drive third consecutive drop in U.S. life expectancy
After rising for more than 50 years, life expectancy in the U.S. has dropped for a third year in a row. The trend is driven by three preventable causes of death that researchers call the “depths of despair.”
Anxiety is the most common mental health concern in the United States. Dr. Kaz Nelson, a psychiatrist at the University of Minnesota, discusses when to seek help for it in our weekly medical chat.
Cancer screening guidelines begin to look different when patients reach age 65. Our weekly medical expert, Dr. Jon Hallberg, talks about what the guidelines say, and how they prompt tough conversations.
Flu season is on its way — what we can learn from Australia's deadly season
People in Australia, where it’s spring, have been walloped by a particularly bad flu season. Health officials here are urging people to get their flu shots as soon as possible in case we see something similar.