Twin Cities

More on H1N1 with Dr. Jon Hallberg
All Things Considered talked about flu with medical analyst Dr. Jon Hallberg and he returned to talk about what to expect from H1N1 during the period of seasonal flu.
A home game 100 years in the making for DeLaSalle
One of the state's powerhouses will do something Friday night that it's never done before. Even though DeLaSalle High School is more than 100 years old, it's never hosted its own home game.
State Fair mystery sounds: Day 6
Each weekday during the Minnesota State Fair, All Things Considered will indulge your ears and bring you some mystery sounds from the Great Minnesota Get-Together.
The festival will be held Sunday, Sept. 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the corner of Summit and Selby Avenues in St. Paul.
Art Hounds: Full Moon Cabaret, 'None of the Above,' Paul Metzger
This week's Art Hounds describe a cabaret where empty beer cans are a symbol of audience appreciation, an exhibition that relies heavily on the U.S. Postal Service, and an ingeniously original instrumentalist who's below the radar.