Twin Cities

A 25-year-old St. Anthony man has pleaded guilty to perjury in an federal investigation into why a string young men have traveled to Somalia from the Minneapolis area.
Rybak answers challengers who say 'anyone but him'
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak faces 10 challengers on the ballot Tuesday for his office at city hall and many of Rybak's opponents are critical of the mayor on several issues, especially his record of raising property taxes.
New concerns raised over blacktop sealant runoff
A long-standing ritual of homeowners - sealing their blacktop driveways - is getting new scrutiny from the state of Minnesota because sealant from driveways and parking lots may be washing off into ponds and streams as hazardous waste.
Instant runoff voting FAQ
Instant runoff voting advocates are pushing for more Minnesota cities to follow suit, with the eventual goal of using it for statewide elections. Here are some frequently asked questions about it.