Today's Question Blog

Gov. Mark Dayton on has set a Nov. 23 deadline for the Legislature to pass a Vikings stadium plan, but has not yet endorsed a specific proposal. Today’s Question: Do you expect a Vikings deal to get done, and should it?
Eighty-three percent of American adults have cell phones, according to the Pew Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Nearly 90 percent own some kind of computerized device. Three in four Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 use social media. Today’s Question: Has technology taken over too much of our lives?
A new exhibit at the Minnesota History Center focuses on the year 1968, a time of extreme turmoil and profound change in American society. Today’s Question: During your lifetime, what year has felt most like a turning point for the country?
A recurring theme among Republicans running for president is that they’d like to see more discretion left to the states. For example, Rep. Michele Bachmann wants to abolish the federal Education Department in favor of local and state control, and Gov. Rick Perry wants to use the states as “laboratories of innovation” in health care.…
U.S. officials announced Tuesday that they had thwarted a plot by Iranian terrorists to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States. The announcement said that the Iranian government was involved in the plot to kill the ambassador and bomb the Saudi Embassy. Today’s Question: How should the U.S. government respond to the alleged Iranian…
More than 16 percent of the Minnesota population claims Norwegian ancestry, which may help explain interest in the current visit by the king and queen of Norway. Today’s Question: How much do you care about keeping a connection to your ancestral homeland?
A key task force has recommended that men stop getting routine blood tests for prostate cancer. The panel says the test does not save lives and too often leads to harmful complications from cancer treatment. Today’s Question: Is it possible to know too much about your health?
The U.S.-led war in Afghanistan began 10 years ago today. A recent poll suggests that one in three veterans of the post-9/11 period considers the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan not worth the sacrifice. Today’s Question: After 10 years, how do you see the Afghan war?
In a recent interview, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly asked Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison whether America was “on the skids.” Ellison replied, “No way. America’s best days are ahead of her.” Today’s Question: Do you believe that America’s best days are ahead?
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie insisted again on Tuesday that he will not run for president in this election cycle. So the eventual major party nominees are probably already on stage. Today’s Question: Does your party have a presidential candidate you can get behind?