Today's Question Blog

A scientist who has been a prominent skeptic of global warming is making news with his latest conclusion: that global warming is real after all. The scientist, Richard Muller, conducted a two-year study of the earth’s surface temperatures. He found that temperatures are rising fast. Today’s Question: How have your views on global warming evolved…
Gov. Rick Perry’s staff says there are too many presidential debates, and Perry himself has said he may sit some of them out. He also says it may have been a mistake for him to participate in the debates so far. Today’s Question: How important are the presidential debates to your understanding of the candidates?
Some state leaders have said they are open to the idea of using money from the state’s Legacy funds to help finance a new football stadium. The money would come from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund generated by a sales tax that Minnesota voters approved in 2008. (MPR is among hundreds of organizations that…
A developer wants to build a casino on the parcel of land known as Block E in downtown Minneapolis. The mayor and members of the City Council support the proposal, and may include casino revenue in a plan to finance a Vikings stadium. Today’s Question: Is a casino in downtown Minneapolis a good idea?
Wal-Mart has announced that it will start requiring employees who smoke to pay a higher percentage of their health-care premiums. More than one in four large employers do the same. Today’s Question: Should smokers pay a greater share of their health-care premiums?
President Obama is announcing new measures to help people whose homes are underwater qualify for refinancing and a lower monthly payment. More than one in five American homes with mortgages are underwater – that is, their owners owe more than the homes are worth. Today’s Question: Is homeownership an attractive option these days?
One of the issues motivating the Occupy Wall Street movement is student-loan debt, which now equals the size of credit card debt in the United States. The average debt is $24,000, but many graduates carry a balance much larger than that. Today’s Question: What’s the solution to the student-debt problem?
Some critics of the U.S.-led war in Iraq are pointing out that regime change in Libya was accomplished at lower cost and with no loss of American lives. Today’s Question: Does a comparison of Iraq and Libya offer any valid lessons for U.S. policy?
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has announced that he will propose a national flat tax next week. One of the other candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, Herman Cain, has staked much of his own campaign on his “9-9-9″ plan, which would tax business income, personal income and sales at a uniform rate of 9 percent.…
The American Academy of Pediatrics has renewed its advice that parents not let children younger than 2 watch television. The group said television may harm the development of young children, even if the TV is merely on in the background. Today’s Question: Would you find it difficult to raise kids without television?