Today's Question Blog

Should Minneapolis rename Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
“We had been edited out of existence in the public school system,” Bill Means told MPR News reporter Jon Collins. “To say Columbus discovered America is one of the first lies we’re told in public education.” That particular struggle may be coming to an end, at least in Minneapolis. On Friday, the City Council will…
Should the U.S. support Syrian rebels?
The U.S. is providing more arms and training to the moderate rebels in Syria, under a growing secret program run by the CIA in Jordan. Sources tell NPR that secret program could be supplemented by a more public effort in the coming months involving American military trainers. The change in strategy comes as the White…
What if the Twin Cities became a one newspaper metro?
“Minnesota billionaire Glen Taylor expects to close on his purchase of the Star Tribune by the end of next month, fulfilling a goal he has had for years,” writes MPR News business reporter Marty Moylan. It may not be too long before Taylor has a chance to buy another newspaper: the St. Paul Pioneer Press.…
Does smartphone use strain your relationships?
“It’s not just kids who are overdoing screen time. Parents are often just as guilty of spending too much time checking smartphones and e-mail — and the consequences for their children can be troubling,” writes NPR’s Patti Neighmond. Dr. Jenny Radesky is a pediatrician specializing in child development. When she worked at a clinic in…
Do the Teamsters have too much power at the Minnesota Capitol?
“A bill that would allow limited Sunday sales of alcohol in Minnesota is in jeopardy. “Backers of a bill that would allow liquor stores to sell alcohol on Sundays have been rebuffed at the State Capitol for years. So this year, they considered it a victory that even a tiny Sunday sales provision was included…
“Golden Valley-based General Mills has inserted the fine print on its website that takes away your right to sue the conglomerate if you’ve downloaded coupons, joined its Facebook page or entered any contest” writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. Today’s Question: How closely do you read “the fine print”?
Are juries giving out too many life without parole sentences?
Sister Helen Prejean, a Roman Catholic nun and advocate for the abolition of the death penalty, was in town last month to give the keynote address at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Minneapolis. She argues that a sentence of life without parole is akin to a sentence of death. “As a society we have…
How often do you check your work email when you are off-the-clock?
“French workers already enjoy a 35-hour workweek and at least five weeks of vacation. Now, many of them won’t have to check their work email after 6 p.m.,” writes Krishnadev Calamur at NPR. That’s because of an agreement signed last week by unions and the consulting and tech industries. Under the deal, about 1 million…
Do farmers need to do more to protect state’s groundwater resources?
Irrigation is the fastest growing use of groundwater, and an MPR News investigation broadcast this week chronicled how hundreds of farmers likely are pumping tens of thousands of gallons of water without DNR authorization or knowledge. The Minnesota Senate passed legislation on Tuesday that would allow state officials to penalize anyone who uses large amounts…