Today's Question Blog

What should the U.S. do about ISIS?
In an address to the nation, President Barack Obama will outline an expanded military and political effort to combat Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq, possibly including airstrikes in Syria, officials said.
How do you cope with cramped aircraft cabins?
On three occasions in recent days, commercial flights have been interrupted by disputes over reclining passenger seats. Media reports have speculated that the traveling public has been pushed to a breaking point by shrinking legroom and other inconveniences associated with air travel. Seats are smaller, rows are packed closer together, overhead bins are full and…
Should Pres. Obama act alone on immigration?
In an early August press conference President Barack Obama highlighted the need for immigration reform. “We have a broken system; it’s under-resourced and we’ve got to make choices in terms of how we allocate personnel and resources,” Obama said. “My preference would be an actual comprehensive immigration law. And we already have a bipartisan law…
Should police be demilitarized?
“The convergence of the progressive left and libertarian right over police demilitarization is yielding a liberal-tarian moment—and it’s brought to you by the Koch brothers,” writes The Daily Beast’s Tim Mok. Kara Dansky, the author of a report on the militarization of police and a senior counsel at the ACLU, also said the time is…
Would you friend your doctor?
Social media is everywhere. And many people use Twitter or Facebook or Instagram to navigate entire portions of their lives. But what about health care? Would you accept (or prompt) a friend request from your doctor, dentist or medical center? If you’re a health professional: How do you navigate social media? Liz Baier’s dentist, in…