Today's Question Blog

San Francisco has banned toys with Happy Meals or with any restaurant meal that fails to meet basic nutrition standards. Today’s Question: How far should government go in regulating fast food for kids?
For the second time in two years, a statewide election is so close that a recount will likely determine its outcome. Today’s Question: What lesson of the 2008 recount should Minnesota remember this time?
Republicans made big gains in races across Minnesota and the United States in elections yesterday. Today’s Question: With the sweeping Republican victories, what changes do you see ahead for the state and the country?
We want to hear about your experience at the polls today. Did you have any problems? How long did you spend in line? Was there anything unusual? You can share your experiences in the comments or by clicking here.
Each Monday leading up to Election Day, we’ve asked a question related to the race for Minnesota governor. Today’s Question: What are the three best reasons to support your candidate? Republican candidate Tom Emmer: Running for governor of Minnesota has been an honor and a privilege. It would be another great honor to serve the…
Iran has begun loading fuel into its first reactor, but has refused to allow inspectors to verify that its nuclear program is peaceful. Today’s Question: What should be the U.S. stance toward Iran?
Each Monday now through the election, we’ll pose a question related to the race for governor. Today’s Question: Has political spending by outside groups in this year’s campaign been a good thing? Republican candidate Tom Emmer: Independent expenditures allow individuals and others the opportunity to express and advocate for their points of view. When done…