Today's Question Blog

What are the three best reasons to support your candidate for governor?

Each Monday leading up to Election Day, we've asked a question related to the race for Minnesota governor. Today's Question: What are the three best reasons to support your candidate?

Republican candidate Tom Emmer:

Running for governor of Minnesota has been an honor and a privilege. It would be another great honor to serve the people of Minnesota if elected governor.

We have produced a complete, balanced budget that deals with Minnesota's fiscal reality by asking government to live within its means and we are the only ones to do so without raising taxes on middle-class Minnesotans. As a political outsider, it is time for leadership that represents everyday Minnesotans. My wife Jacquie and I will do just that. Lastly, as a small business owner, I understand the most important issue facing Minnesota is growing jobs. We will work aggressively to put Minnesotans back to work. Thank you and we appreciate your support on Tuesday.

Democratic candidate Mark Dayton:

As former economic development commissioner, I have proven experience in helping bring new jobs to Minnesota, which will be my priority as governor. I am the only candidate who will not raise taxes on middle-income Minnesotans, but only on the wealthiest. And I will invest those revenues in better education, so our children and grandchildren can be successful in the global economy. I respectfully ask for your support on Tuesday.

Independence Party candidate Tom Horner:

First, virtually every major newspaper, former governors, and local 
officials who have endorsed a candidate have endorsed me. They must 
know something.
Second, I'm the only candidate who has the experience, ability and 
temperament to break the gridlock and put Minnesota back to work.
And third, when you have a problem you don't look for solutions to 
those who created the problem in the first place.
Minnesota -- we need new answers, new parties and new leaders.

Click here to see answers to the other questions in this series.