Today's Question Blog

The regime of Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi has reacted violently to street protests. Hundreds have been killed and Gadhafi himself has vowed to die in his effort to hang onto power. Today’s Question: How should the world community respond to the bloodshed in Libya?
The political uproar in Wisconsin may be spreading to Ohio, where a similar bill to curb collective bargaining rights for public employees is under consideration. Today’s Question: Could what’s happening in Wisconsin happen here?
Economic numbers have been providing mixed and sometimes contradictory messages. In employment, housing and other areas, the news has been good and bad at the same time. Today’s Question: Is your recession over?
Americans celebrate the third Monday in February as President’s Day, continuing a tradition that began as an observance of George Washington’s birthday. Today’s Question: Who is your favorite U.S. president of all time?
Wisconsin politics are in an uproar over an effort to cut benefits and limit the right of public employees to bargain collectively. Today’s Question: Should public employees belong to unions?
In a blog post, a high school teacher in Pennsylvania described some of her students as “disobedient, disrespectful oafs. Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy LOAFERS.” She may lose her job as a result. Today’s Question: How tough should teachers be on their students?
Gov. Mark Dayton’s proposed budget contains a new higher income tax bracket for top earners, a temporary surcharge on incomes of more than $500,000, and a state property tax on homes valued at more than $1 million. In short, his proposal appears to confirm expectations that he would tax the rich. Today’s Question: Should we…
Medical facilities and businesses are starting to deny employment to smokers, both to promote healthy lifestyles and to hold down their own health-care costs. Today’s Question: What policies should health-care facilities set for employees who smoke?