Today's Question Blog

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s bid to strip most public employees of most collective bargaining rights is moving forward. Today’s Question: What will be the lasting impact of the Wisconsin union standoff?
Today a member of Congress plans to hold hearings on what he calls the radicalization of American Muslims. Critics say the hearings will fan the flames of anti-Muslim hatred. Today’s Question: What do you think about the hearings on Muslim “radicalization”?
Gov. Mark Dayton says the teacher licensure bill was an example of bipartisan compromise for leaders to follow as they grapple with the budget and other issues. Today’s Question: What compromises would you like to see this legislative session?
In Libya, Moammar Gadhafi is using aircraft against his own people. Voices in the U.S. Senate and elsewhere are calling for a no-fly zone over Libya to stop him. Today’s Question: Should the United States use its military to intervene in Libya?
The U.S. Postal Service is losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year. It says it will be unable to pay its bills this year unless Congress lets it stop Saturday delivery. Today’s Question: Do you need the U.S. Postal Service?
With oil prices rising and the Middle East in turmoil, the Interior Department has approved the first deepwater drilling permit in the Gulf of Mexico since last year’s BP disaster. Today’s Question: How aggressive should the United States be in developing its own sources of oil?
A survey finds that doctors think patient health is improved by a long-term relationship with a physician. They also wish patients would show them more appreciation and respect. Today’s Question: What would you like more of in your relationship with your doctor?
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is exploring a presidential run, and other Republicans are expected to join the field shortly. Today’s Question: Which potential GOP candidate would have the best chance of winning the White House?
A reported deal between legislators and Gov. Mark Dayton could clear the way toward an alternative licensing plan for teachers. Today’s Question: What might teachers without traditional training bring to the profession?
Gas prices rose last week to an average $3.48 per gallon in the Twin Cities. Experts say the price could go significantly higher. Today’s Question: What might you do differently in response to the rise in gas prices?