Today's Question Blog

In their efforts to cut the budget deficit, federal officials are considering changes to Medicare and other benefit programs. Today’s Question: As an American citizen, what benefits do you feel entitled to?
The Bush-era debate over so-called harsh interrogation techniques has flared anew with the death of Osama bin Laden. Both critics and defenders of methods like waterboarding claim that the successful effort to find Bin Laden vindicates their point of view. Today’s Question: How does the killing of Osama bin Laden affect your view of harsh…
Google has taken first place in a Harris Interactive poll ranking the reputations of major corporations. Johnson & Johnson took second place, and Minnesota’s 3M took third. Today’s Question: What corporation do you hold in high esteem?
Some readers and listeners have told us they wish U.S. forces had been able to capture Osama bin Laden so he could have faced trial. Today’s Question: Would you have preferred that Osama bin Laden had been brought to trial?
President Obama announced Sunday night that U.S. forces had killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Today’s Question: What does the death of Osama bin Laden mean to the world? Update: We also posed this question to sources in our Public Insight Network. We talked with a few of them and featured their answers on All…
The federal government has proposed new guidelines for marketing food to young people. The voluntary guidelines would aim to promote healthy food choices. Today’s Question: Should the federal government try to limit food marketing aimed at children?
There is speculation that the wedding of Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton could draw an even bigger worldwide audience than that of William’s parents in 1981. Today’s Question: Do the lives of the royals interest you?
Republicans at the Minnesota Capitol yesterday announced attempts to put before voters a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Today’s Question: Should we amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage?
Newly leaked documents suggest that a number of detainees released from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp had been previously classified as high risk. Today’s Question: What principles should guide the disposition of Guantanamo’s inmates?
A discussion on today’s Midmorning looks at the ways music can trigger memories and emotional responses for the listener. We’d like to hear about music that you find especially expressive. Today’s Question: What piece of music stirs emotions in you?