Today's Question Blog

Predictions about the end of the world come and go. The one getting all the attention just now says the end will begin at 6 p.m. this Saturday. Today’s Question: Why are we so interested in predictions about the end of the world?
Recent days have seen developments in the Republican race for president. Some prominent names have joined the field of candidates, and some have left. Today’s Question: What do you think of the field of Republican presidential candidates?
The United States has reached its debt limit and may default on its loan obligations. Some Republicans say they’ll refuse to raise the limit unless they get deep cuts in government spending. Today’s Question: Is threatening a default a good way to exert political leverage?
With little time remaining to reach agreement, Gov. Mark Dayton yesterday released what he called a compromise proposal to balance the state budget. Today’s Question: Should both sides in the state budget debate give something up to reach a deal?
According to census data, married couples no longer constitute a majority of households in the Twin Cities. The percentage of married households is down to about 48 percent — a big change from 1950, when the national number was 78 percent. Today’s Question: How does the decline in the proportion of married couples affect society?
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich announced his campaign for president yesterday. Observers have suggested that his two divorces and history of infidelity might be liabilities to his campaign. Today’s Question: How does a candidate’s personal life affect his or her fitness for office?
A survey by Consumer Reports finds that 7.5 million Facebook users are under the network’s minimum age of 13. More than 5 million are under age 10. The survey also finds that millions of Americans have been victimized in some way via social networks. Today’s Question: What can be done to ensure the safety of…
Polls consistently show that a majority of Minnesotans oppose spending taxpayer funds on a new Vikings stadium. Even so, officials are pushing competing stadium plans for Minneapolis and Arden Hills, and the idea has bipartisan support among legislators and the governor. Today’s Question: Should public opposition to a taxpayer-financed Vikings stadium preclude building one?
Allina Hospitals and Clinics has fired more than 30 employees at two hospitals for improperly looking at patients’ electronic medical records. The case comes at a time when government is urging health-care providers to switch to electronic records. Today’s Question: Do you trust the medical establishment to keep your information secure?