The Cities Blog

Keeping warm at OccupyMN
Few people ventured out to the OccupyMN protest today. The dozen or so people that remained were either piled under a heap of sleeping bags (in the middle of the afternoon) or huddled together wrapped in blankets.
Hipster mag lauds ‘small-town mayor’ Rybak
The ultra-hip Los Angeles-based online magazine Good just published a glowing article about Mayor R.T. Rybak and the city he leads. The piece portrays Minneapolis as a bastion of bike paths and good government. But when you share the link on Facebook, you may see a bit of coastal condescension. I had to redact the…
The “Bono” neighborhood of Minneapolis
James B. Stewart calls Wendell Phillips the “Bono” (of U2 fame) of his time. Phillips was a nationwide star in the years before the Civil War. This weekend the Minneapolis neighborhood that bears his name celebrates Wendell Phillips’ 200th birthday. Stewart is an emeritus professor at Macalester College in St Paul and founder of the…