Greater Minnesota

Minn. foie gras producer challenges notion that process is cruel
There are only a handful of farms in the country that produce foie gras, and one is located in southeastern Minnesota. Fois gras -- or fattened duck liver -- is a delicacy. It's also the source of a long-running debate over whether the treatment of the ducks can be considered cruel.
A return to traditional foods helps some fight hunger on White Earth Reservation
A growing effort on the White Earth Reservation to return to traditional foods could help alleviate hunger and improve the health of people there while reconnecting them with a diet that served their ancestors.
BWCA fire slowly being contained
The Pagami Creek fire in northeastern Minnesota is now 35 percent contained. The fire is expected to burn quietly through the weekend, as the ground takes time to dry out from recent rain.
Forest managers defend decisions in BWCA fire
Rains in northeastern Minnesota have muffled the Pagami Creek fire for the time being. Forest managers are using the breathing space to look back at how they've handled the fire so far -- and to justify their actions to local critics.
Gov. Mark Dayton plans to fill a new position of Minnesota mining coordinator, who would serve as a first point of contact for questions on state mining regulations.
Research goes into boosting nutritional value of pulse crops for developing countries
A group of North Dakota researchers are looking for ways to make the plants known as pulse crops more nutritious, and a source of essential nutrients for people in developing countries.
Pagami Creek Fire in BWCA now estimated at 100,000 acres
The Pagami Creek Fire that started in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness has now engulfed about 100,000 acres, prompting officials to consider more evacuations.