Greater Minnesota

Competing goals apparent in new policy on old forest
The built-in conflicts that come with the competing missions at the Minnesota DNR are evident in debate over a new policy on older forests. The agency is changing a 20-year-old policy designed to produce a minimum amount of older forests, while listing species because of concern about habitat loss in that forest ecosystem.
Walleye decline prompts harvest cuts in Mille Lacs
It's going to be a little harder to keep fish at one of the state's most popular fishing spots this year. Concern about walleye in Lake Mille Lacs where the population is at its lowest level in decades has prompted regulators to cut the total amount of walleye that can be taken from the lake. It's a measure aimed to balance the needs of the lake's ecosystem and the region's economy.
Plant fanatics climb up trees hunting for 'witch's brooms'
Now about brooms -- witch's brooms, to be exact. Small, tightly woven masses of branches that can appear high up in pine trees across northern Minnesota. These "brooms" are actually the genetic source of a lot of the landscape plants and shrubs sold at nurseries. They're not often easy to retrieve.
Dense fog and periods of drizzle, perhaps freezing drizzle, will hamper travel in much of the southern two-thirds of Minnesota and into Iowa and Wisconsin.
Photos: Training for the biathlon
National Guard soldiers from eight states will be in Minnesota next week to test their skiing and shooting skills. The Guard sponsors regional biathlon competitions for guard teams from across the country. Winning brings bragging rights for the Guard teams, as well as the chance to compete against national teams around the world.