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Ask a 'sotan: What's an eco-friendly way to bag groceries?
As Duluth weighs a plan to curb plastic bag use, we asked two local experts to answer questions from MPR News listeners about the merits of paper, plastic or something else to haul their groceries.
She's one of Minnesota’s hardest-working midwives. Try to keep up.
Rebekah Knapp says helping deliver babies at home is a calling from God. The women she serves, including those in Minnesota’s Amish communities, would agree. Want a look at the life of a modern midwife? Get in the car.
Home births are on the rise, but some midwives aren’t licensed
Minnesota and Utah are the only states where licensure is voluntary. Some warn Minnesota’s hands-off regulatory approach poses a danger to mothers and babies. Others say government shouldn’t be involved in such an intimate choice.
There's little research or regulation on vape products sickening Minnesotans
It’s unclear what’s behind a rash of serious lung issues that appear to be caused by vaping. But a dearth of research and regulation around the products appears to be part of the problem.
Easy, cheap ways to get outside this summer
Yes, it’s already August, but there’s still plenty of time to get outside and have fun before the fall chill blows in. Here are some cheap or free ways to get outdoors with the whole family.
Ask a farmer: Mitchell Hora of 'Field Work' answers your questions
Ever wonder what life on the farm is like? Curious about what’s on the minds of those in the agriculture business? Here are a few questions about farm life we received from our audience, and their answers, courtesy of millennial farmer Mitchell Hora.