
68 orphans were evacuated from Gaza to the West Bank, enraging Israel's far right
The children were moved out of Rafah by the charity SOS Children’s Villages International with the help of the German government. But the transfer has sparked anger among some hardliners in Israel.
A radical Mideast proposal: What if the U.S. recognized a Palestinian state now?
The formula for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long called for negotiating a Palestinian state. What if that were reversed and a state were declared first and then negotiated later?
Divided Moorhead City Council passes Gaza cease-fire resolution
A divided Moorhead City Council approved a resolution on Monday calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. Some members said the city council is not the proper venue for international issues; the mayor broke a tie to pass the resolution.
Haiti's prime minister says he'll resign once a transitional council is created
The de-facto prime minister of Haiti agreed to resign once a transitional presidential council is installed and interim prime minister named. CARICOM, the bloc of Caribbean nations, brokered the deal.
Two St. Paul council members reveal how they overcame deep divisions to pass cease-fire resolution
Late last month, the St. Paul City Council was at an impasse over a resolution calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war. But then last week, they passed one unanimously, calling for a quote “immediate and permanent mutual cease-fire.” MPR News correspondent Catharine Richert sat down with council members Cheniqua Johnson and Rebecca Noecker to find out how the council found common ground.
India announces steps to implement a citizenship law that excludes Muslims
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government announced rules to implement a 2019 citizenship law that excludes Muslims, weeks before the Hindu nationalist leader seeks a third term in office.
As a U.S. aid ship heads to Gaza, Biden again warns Netanyahu on civilian deaths
The U.S. ship left Virginia this weekend as part of an emergency mission to build a temporary pier in Gaza to facilitate aid. Biden criticized the Israeli prime minister over civilian deaths in Gaza.
How did the world run so low on cholera vaccine? As outbreaks grow, stockpile runs dry
With cholera on the rise around the world, the global vaccine stockpile is running dry. New doses go right to active outbreaks, with none left for prevention campaigns. Can vaccine makers catch up?