Living with ALS

When he was first diagnosed with ALS — amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease — on Dec. 6, 2010, Bruce Kramer was dean of the School of Education at the University of St. Thomas. He shared his journey with the incurable disease from time to time with MPR News Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer.

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Living with ALS: Contemplating the right kind of 'Endgame'
This is part of our continuing series of stories about Bruce Kramer, the former dean of the College of Education, Leadership and Counseling at the University of St. Thomas, as he copes with life after being diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.
A friend's ALS death in the circle of life
Bruce Kramer found a safe haven for conversation about ALS with a friend who also had the disease. They talked together freely and sometimes with raw emotion.
Photos, technology change self-perception
As we get older, there's no denying that our bodies change. Photographs of ourselves can be startling, sometimes unnerving reminders of those changes.
Having the right kind of bucket list
When it comes to bucket lists, "you have to care about other people," Bruce Kramer says. "You have to care about other things besides yourself."
What are the ethics of conducting clinical drug trials in cases where the patient has a terminal illness? Jeffrey Kahn, a professor of bioethics and public policy at Johns Hopkins University, discusses the matter.
Patient argues for changes to drug trials
"Obviously we're not talking about a cure for ALS here," Bruce Kramer says. But if a medicine helps a patient feel better, "that would certainly be helpful."