
Minnesotans are living longer and that trend is expected to continue. According to Minnesota State Demographic Center projections, the number of adults 65 years and older is anticipated to double between 2010 and 2030. That means 1 in 5 Minnesotans will be an older adult.

MPR News is looking at this shift and what it means to all of us.

Related: End in Mind delves into how our culture engages with loss, dying and death and offers resources to live more and fear less.

MN nursing home residents and their families deal with restrictions
Across Minnesota, nursing homes have closed their doors to visitors in all but the most dire circumstances — to keep the coronavirus away from those most in danger of dying from the respiratory illness.
Senior meal plans adjust, add deliveries as centers close amid COVID-19
Organizations across the state that provide meals for senior citizens are scrambling as places where people gather for meals are shutting down and there’s more demand for home delivery.
When grandparents step in to fill a parenting gap
Across Minnesota, more than 70,000 grandchildren are being raised by their grandparents. The true numbers are likely higher, given that many grandparents don't go through formal processes to assume responsibility for the kids.
Patients want to die at home, but home hospice care can be tough on families
The for-profit hospice industry has grown, allowing more Americans to die at home. But few family members realize that "hospice care" still means they'll do most of the physical and emotional work.