
Mint conditions: Stores say menthol restrictions hurt their bottom lines
The St. Paul City Council is expected to restrict the sale of flavored tobacco in a move convenience stores say threaten their businesses and health advocates say will lead to fewer young people becoming addicted.
Lt. Gov. Smith: public option health plan could aid many Minnesotans
Lt. Gov. Tina Smith and Human Services Commissioner Emily Piper will be at a Duluth town hall forum Monday to discus the proposal. Critics say it would further destabilize the individual health coverage market.
Alexa, are you safe for my kids?
Talking to a device that talks back can be entertaining and educational for children. But psychologists say children can develop relationships with these devices that can be different than adults.
MNsure backers say being local works in health care sign-up
People can begin buying non-group health insurance for next year starting Wednesday. For people in most states this open enrollment period will be entirely different than in past years. But not in Minnesota.