
Mayo: Hospital's discolored water traced to well
Water testing continues at Mayo Clinic's Saint Marys campus, days after discolored water began running from taps. While there's still no drinking the tap water, officials say cafeteria water has been cleared for use.
Sprained your ankle? The cost of a walking boot could sprain your wallet
Your health insurance plan might not cover items such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, boots and braces. The cost is small compared with many medical bills, but adds up if you pay out-of-pocket.
'What do we do now?' Many struggle to find alternatives in shift away from opioids
As policymakers and doctors move away from treating chronic pain patients with opioids, there's concern that more comprehensive pain treatment isn't available to many current patients.
Health law clinic guides patients through broad legal hurdles
Students and staff from Mitchell Hamline School of Law serve families with legal advice related to health care and social services. In the process, law students learn about what can affect a client's health.
Mayo: Sediment caused discolored water in hospital taps
Initial tests show sediment created the dark-colored water that ran this week from taps at Mayo's St. Marys hospital. Clinic officials are still advising people not to drink the water until more test results are in.
Feds send warning to vaping companies over packaging that looks like candy
The federal government issued warnings to companies that sell vaping liquids, saying they are in violation of federal regulations due to packages that appear to market to children or teens.