
You snooze, you lose: Insurers make the old adage literally true
Millions of sleep apnea patients rely on CPAP breathing machines to get a good night's rest. Health insurers use a variety of tactics, including surveillance, to make patients bear the costs. Experts say it's part of the insurance industry playbook.
Beware the Thanksgiving salad: CDC says no romaine lettuce is safe
A new outbreak of E. coli has hit dozens of people in 11 states. No deaths have been reported, but the CDC says consumers should not eat any romaine lettuce until more is learned about the outbreak.
How do wishes granted to very sick kids affect their health?
Although researchers acknowledge many factors could be at play, a recent study suggests that seriously ill children who had once-in-a-lifetime wishes fulfilled also incurred lower health care costs.
Why a salmonella outbreak shouldn't ruin your Thanksgiving
Health officials say proper handling and cooking should kill any salmonella. A few points to remember: Don't rinse raw turkey -- that can spread germs. Clean hands and cooking surfaces that come into contact with raw turkey. And cook birds to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees.