Religion and Faith

While divisions always exist in communities as large and diverse as Muslims or Arabs, many said they hoped the news of bin Laden's death would pave the way for the kind of unity in their community and with other Americans.
Pope beatifies John Paul II before 1.5M faithful
Pope Benedict XVI beatified Pope John Paul II today, moving the beloved former pontiff one step closer to possible sainthood in a massive Vatican Mass.
Jews remember the pope who reached out to them
Pope John Paul II, a Pole who survived the Nazi invasion of his country, became the first pope to visit a synagogue, where he referred to Jews as "our older brothers in faith."
Thousands flock to Rome for John Paul II's beatification
The beatification is taking place despite a steady drumbeat of criticism about the record-fast speed with which John Paul is being honored, and continued outrage about the clerical abuse scandal.
The first family entered Shiloh Baptist Church to a round of applause on a sun-splashed day in the nation's capital as members of a choir dressed in black, white and gold sang "Total Praise."
A federal judge in Oregon ruled Thursday that the Vatican must respond to certain requests for information from a man who says he was molested by a priest in the 1960s.
The Catholic archbishop of the St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese is leading a Good Friday prayer vigil outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul.