Religion and Faith

Pope Francis offered a Christmas wish Wednesday for a better world, praying for protection for Christians under attack, battered women and trafficked children, peace in the Middle East and Africa, and dignity for refugees fleeing misery and conflict around the globe.
Ex-priest dropped as sex education teacher
Harry Walsh is a former priest who was accused of sexually abusing two minors decades ago. The accusations came to light as part of Minnesota Public Radio's ongoing investigation into the church's response to clergy misconduct.
Reporter's notebook: 'What part of sacred don't you understand?'
The Paris auction of 27 sacred American-Indian items earlier this month marks just the latest in a series of conflicts between what tribes consider sacred and what western cultures think is fair game in the marketplace.
Memo names 3 missing from 'credibly accused' priests list
An internal church memo from 2002 names three priests with "known abuse histories" who weren't on the list of "credibly accused" priests released by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis earlier this month.
As Christmas approaches amid clergy abuse revelations, Catholics weigh options for giving
Allegations against leaders of the Twin Cities Archdiocese in recent months have triggered anger among many parishioners. If they choose to take a stand with their dollars, it could affect how the church moves forward with projects throughout the coming year.
Abuse claims kept secret allowed priest to minister and teach sex ed
Harry Walsh wasn't included on a recent list of priests 'credibly accused' of sexual abuse. Church leaders knew his history, yet allowed him to continue working in parishes until the fall of 2011. Today Walsh teaches sex education to troubled teenagers and vulnerable adults in Wright Co., Minn.
A 'radical pope' seeks to save his church
"Who am I to judge?" With those five words, Pope Francis "stepped away from the disapproving tone, the explicit moralizing typical of popes and bishops," writes columnist James Carroll.
Choi: No grand jury in archdiocese probe
"I have to make some tough calls, and I believe in a certain way to get to a conclusion," he said on The Daily Circuit. An investigative grand jury"would be really inappropriate and an abuse of my power."