All Things Considered

For Earth Day, University of Minnesota Morris professor collects 'Prayers for a Feverish Planet'

Musicians from 35 countries submitted more than 170 pieces of music about climate change

A forest after a wildfire.
The aftermath of Pagami Creek Fire is shown in September 2011. Like more and more wildfires fueled by the effects of climate change, the fire exploded after several days of hot, dry weather. For Earth Day 2022, musicians are ruminating on the effects of climate change in a series called "Prayers for a Feverish Planet" curated by University of Minnesota Morris professor Ann DuHamel.
Courtesy of Greg Welch

Earth Day this year follows what is perhaps the United Nation's most dire warning yet on the need to cut carbon emissions. And it follows a week of protests by scientists pleading for action on climate change.

It's no wonder that same urgency is captured in a series of music compositions being performed this weekend at the University of Minnesota Morris campus and over Zoom. It's called “Prayers for a Feverish Planet” and it’s curated by professor and head of keyboard studies Ann DuHamel.

DuHamel said she put out a call for compositions inspired by climate change, after searching for something she could do to address the problem. She said she received more than 170 pieces from musicians in 35 countries.

She joined MPR News host Tom Crann Friday to preview some of the pieces. To hear their conversation, click play on the audio player above.