MPR News with Angela Davis

This holiday season, spread cheer, not COVID-19

A thanksgiving meal being served
With COVID-19 cases surging in the U.S., how can we celebrate the holidays safely? And is it safe to gather at all?
Wendy Wei on Pexels file

For many, this year has been marked by isolation and loneliness as people across the globe social distanced to try to stamp out coronavirus. The holidays are a time for togetherness, a time to be thankful and celebrate the relationships we have in our lives. After a lonely year, that sounds like just what we need.

But with COVID-19 cases surging in the United States, how can we celebrate safely? And is it safe to gather at all?

Host Angela Davis is joined by two experts to talk about do’s and don’ts of holiday gatherings during the pandemic, safer ways to celebrate and how to set boundaries with family members.


  • Megan Freeman is a pediatric infectious diseases fellow at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

  • Rachel Miller is a deputy editor at VICE and the author of “The Art of Showing Up: How to Be There for Yourself and Your People.”

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