Oil and water: The Line 3 debate

Enbridge's new, larger Line 3 pipeline, which carries crude oil across northern Minnesota, was completed in 2021 and began operating in October. But the debate over the project's impact on climate, water and tribal treaty rights continues.

Line 3 opponents occupy Enbridge pump station as protest ramps up
Hundreds of activists gathered Monday near the headwaters of the Mississippi River to protest the ongoing construction of the new pipeline, which will replace a line that's been carrying Canadian tar sands oil across northern Minnesota since the 1960s.
Line 3 foes in northern MN block road, chain themselves to equipment
A summer of ramped-up opposition to the Line 3 oil pipeline kicked off Monday as more than 1,000 opponents began protesting and disrupting the construction work, starting at a pump station north of Park Rapids.
Line 3 foes kick off a summer of resistance
More than a thousand opponents of the Line 3 oil pipeline from all over the U.S. have congregated in northern Minnesota for what they're calling the Treaty People Gathering. They're preparing a march to the Mississippi River on Monday to protest the controversial pipeline replacement project.
Hundreds expected in northern Minn. to protest Line 3 this weekend
Organizers say more than 1,500 people from around the country are expected in northern Minnesota this weekend for what they’re calling the “largest resistance yet” to the ongoing construction of the Line 3 oil pipeline project.
As Line 3 construction rolls on, river crossings draw pipeline resisters
Environmental groups and Ojibwe tribes in Minnesota are particularly concerned about the places where the pipeline will cross rivers, streams and wetlands. They worry that a spill or leak could contaminate valuable water resources, where tribes retain treaty rights to hunt, fish and gather wild rice.
State utility regulators dismiss calls for Line 3 investigation
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has unanimously rejected a complaint and request for an investigation from an environmental group that argued Enbridge Energy’s pipeline replacement project is no longer needed because of recent capacity increases the company has made to its pipeline system. 
'I live with Standing Rock in my heart': Massive pipeline protest resonates 5 years later
Tribal members who gathered at a small protest camp near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota were trying to stop the Dakota Access pipeline from crossing under the Missouri River nearby. The camp grew to thousands, and became an international movement. Its influence is still felt at pipeline and climate change protests, and in the lives of those who were at the camp.   
Line 3 construction brings complication, controversy to Fond du Lac Reservation
Three Minnesota Ojibwe bands were among the plaintiffs who brought a case to the state appeals court this week that could bring construction of the Line 3 oil pipeline project to a standstill. But Native nations — including the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa — have a complicated relationship with the project. 
MN appeals court hears arguments in Line 3 challenge, asking whether state needs another oil pipeline
A Minnesota Court of Appeals panel grilled attorneys for Enbridge Energy and the state Public Utilities Commission over whether the company proved there’s demand for the oil the Line 3 pipeline replacement project would carry. Opponents continue to argue that the pipeline isn’t needed.