Oil and water: The Line 3 debate

Enbridge's new, larger Line 3 pipeline, which carries crude oil across northern Minnesota, was completed in 2021 and began operating in October. But the debate over the project's impact on climate, water and tribal treaty rights continues.

State better off without Enbridge oil pipeline, Dayton agency says
The state Commerce Department dealt a setback Monday to a proposed controversial oil pipeline across northern Minnesota, ruling the environmental and socioeconomic risks of letting Enbridge replace its aging Line 3 pipeline outweigh the "limited benefits."
Enbridge spokesperson Jennifer Smith says a group of about 20 protesters entered a worksite outside Superior on Monday and vandalized equipment before leaving on their own. She didn't immediately have a damage estimate.
Lawmakers amended a larger budget bill Thursday to allow Enbridge Energy to bypass the Public Utilities Commission and begin building a 340-mile replacement pipeline in northern Minnesota.
Researcher's quest: Oil pipelines that call for help before leaking
North Dakota State University researchers say a pipeline coating embedded with sensors can provide early detection of cracks or corrosion. They're hoping to prove it's commercially viable.
Editor’s notebook: Covering the environment in 2014
Water, copper-nickel mining and climate change were the top environmental topics for MPR News in 2014. Concerns about pipelines carrying crude oil, the decline in pollinators and the anniversary of the Wilderness Act that created the BWCA are also on the list.