
Cities across Minnesota declare climate emergencies, demand action
From Moorhead to St. Louis Park, cities around the state are working with the Minnesota Cities Climate Caucus to draw local attention to the climate crisis, calling on state and federal governments for legislative and financial support. 
Apostle Islands ice caves access not looking promising this winter
While there still are weeks of winter ahead, officials at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in northern Wisconsin say it's not looking promising for access to the park's famed Lake Superior ice caves.
The Biden administration is all in on EVs, but what about public transit?
Last year’s infrastructure bill includes a significant investment in electric vehicle charging stations — along with new roads and highway expansions. Public transit gets a much smaller piece of the pie.
Two people remain missing after Colorado wildfire
Search teams looked for two missing people on Sunday in the snow-covered but still smoldering debris from a massive Colorado wildfire, while people who barely escaped the flames sorted through what was left after the blaze and investigators tried to determine its cause.